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Presidents Day Sale

Compare At Prices

Pilgrim Furniture Citys’ “Compare at Price” is similar to prices referred to as “Suggested Retail Price (SRP)”, "List Price" or “Full Price” within the retail industry. Compare at prices are used as reference prices and are higher than you would expect to pay through a full- line furniture store such as Pilgrim Furniture City, but is often the starting price for Non- Traditional Retailers, Specialty Stores, Design Studios and Independent Contractors.Our compare at price is used to provide a realistic guide or reference price for comparing furniture, area rugs, mattresses and accessories of similar quality based on major retailers' non-sale prices and may not reflect actual sales at those prices; intermediate mark downs have been taken. Some exclusions may apply: Beautyrest Black, Serta iComfort and iSeries, manufacturer’s price protected merchandise and Super Value items.

Errors in pricing or specifications may occur. We reserve the right to correct any such errors.

Pilgrim Furniture City, you will never pay full price.